
Iced Tea Brewing Info

The cold brew method uses cold water and a long steep time to make easy iced tea that is never bitter.
Directions: Steep 1-2 teaspoons of loose tea for every 8 oz cold water for 6-10 hours in the refrigerator. For fluffy and heavy teas (white tea, herbal teas, rooibos teas and fruit tisanes) increase the measurement to 2-4 teaspoons of tea per every 8 oz cold water. After steeping the loose tea with cold water in the refrigerator for 6-10 hours, strain and remove the tea leaves.

To make quick iced tea, you can brew your tea in hot water at a double strength, to make a concentrate, that you will pour over equal amounts 
of ice.
Directions: Steep 2-3 teaspoons of tea per every 8 oz hot water. For fluffy and heavy teas (white tea, herbal teas, rooibos teas and fruit tisanes) increase the measurement to 4-5 teaspoons per every 8 oz hot water. Steep the loose tea in hot water for the suggested time and temperature as per the tea packet’s instructions. After the hot tea is steeped, strain and remove the tea leaves. Immediately pour the double strength hot tea over equal amounts of ice. Top your cup or pitcher up with extra ice and stir. This method has you brewing your hot tea strong and pouring it over ice for quick flash chill iced tea.

We don’t recommend brewing iced tea via this method. Sun Tea can encourage bacteria growth because leaving the tea in the sun for hours will result in the sun keeping the tea at approximately 130°F. This temperature is high enough to create bacteria but not a high enough temperature, above 195°F, to kill bacteria.