
Baymen's Blend

  • $ 1000

Tasting Notes: creamy vanilla + soft mint

Description:  A restorative blend of calming chamomile, soothing mint, rich vanilla, and antioxidant rich South African rooibos tea.  A tea to help you feel grounded and refreshed.  A relaxing tea with the taste of creamy vanilla, fresh mint, and an earthy finish.

This tea was inspired by the early to bed and early to rise mentality of our local fishermen and baymen on the Long Island Sound. 

In 2011, we made this tea in honor of one of our regulars who is a local clammer, a bayman, who fishes on the Long Island Sound. After waking at 4am and fishing all day, he requested a relaxing herbal tea to restore him after his workday. Baymen's Blend has won the heart of many over the last decade. Thanks to our friend Jamin for inspiring this tea! 

Ingredients: red rooibos tea, chamomile, peppermint, vanilla, cornflowers

Steep Directions: steep 1-2 heaping teaspoon of tea per 8 oz boiling water, 205-212°F, for 7-10 minutes

No Caffeine

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